Join us at The Ridge Activity Center July 20th and 21st so we can help you be a better partner and a better player in tournaments as well as in recreational play.

a person holding a tennis ball and a racket
We develop players and teams through a holistic approach to achieving short and long-term goals.

focusing on each of the five developmental areas:


session 1

level 3.0-3.5

• Dealing with pressure and tournament nerves

• Court positioning tactics

• Creating a solid plan A AND a solid plan B going into a match

• Different types of set ups and how and when to execute them.

• How to be a great partner

session 2

• Pattern and tendency recognition of your opponents

• Best ways to implement individual and team strengths

• Which strategy to use

• Mental drills to improve tournament readiness

• What to focus on the week before the tournament

july 20, 2024

10 am - 1 pm

2 pm - 5 pm

session 3

level 3.5-4.0 +

• Dealing with pressure and tournament nerves

• Court positioning tactics

• Creating a solid plan A AND a solid plan B going into a match

• Different types of set ups and how and when to execute them.

• How to be a great partner

session 4

• Pattern and tendency recognition of your opponents

• Best ways to implement individual and team strengths

• Which strategy to use

• Mental drills to improve tournament readiness

• What to focus on the week before the tournament

july 21, 2024

10 am - 1 pm

2 pm - 5 pm



The Ridge Activity Center

3827 Maltby Rd,

Bothell, WA 98021

Free tip for anyone who can’t make it:

Taper down your practice time from long, super intense sessions to shorter, more individualized sessions working on your strengths, not weaknesses. You should walk on court focused on what you’re good at and not let your brain’s negativity bias take over and weigh you down with your weaknesses.